
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It's a BIRD! No...It's a PLANE! No....IT'S...WTF?...Shit, I really don't know what the hell that is.

I practically live out of my car on a daily basis, driving around from client to client I have come to know the Twin Cities Metro area like the back of my hand, knowing each and every shortcut. That being said, I have seen and driven by some pretty weird shit. Like yesterday when I was stuck in standstill traffic on 694 because a “Biffy” truck had flipped into the ditch and caused a MAJOR mess. Gah.

However, nothing quite compares to this:

(Note the semi-truck in the background as a marker for actual size)

I have driven by this God-awful statue that stands at the entrance of a trucking company at least every other month for about four years and every time I catch myself saying out loud “What the fuck?” Sometimes I make myself turn my head and pretend it’s not there, but it’s too hard, like when the Biffy truck was in the ditch…you don’t want to look, but you just can’t stop yourself.

When I actually pulled off the road and onto the shoulder to take this picture I was contemplating going inside and asking the owner why he felt the need to erect a three story high statue of what appears to be a little boy in his shorts holding a truck. But then I decided I probably would rather not know, and the possibility of coming face to face with such a man was…well…frightening.

Now, I may have to endure the viewing of this thing 5 to 6 times a year max, but the real losers in this situation are the people that live across the field with full view of this monstrosity. Can you imagine waking up every morning, looking out of your large beautiful windows that cover the entire side of your house and stare directly at THAT? Seriously, if it were me and I lived there it would probably take me a total of 3-6 hours before I snapped and was found with an axe swinging madly at it’s ankles in an attempt to ground the fucker.

But that’s just me.


Brandon said...

yeah, that's a great statue. i wonder what the owners use to keep the pedophiles away?

flea said...

wow, that's some freaky ass shit

Minnesota Nice said...

Where the heck is this, I've never seen it before??

Bud said...

Where ARE terrorists when you REALLY need them?

Barry said...

Well, what is uh...scary? or funny depending on how I picture it...I can actually imagine you chopping away at the ankles of that thing...while the police roll up to arrest you but somehow wait until the thing is toppled...haha

then they gove you a medal too!

Dan said...

I think it's meant to be like "This trucking company is so good, so trustworthy, that even a boy in a bathing suit would use us." Genius marketing if you ask me.

Steph said...

Next time you're out here, I'll take you to Baker, home of the World's Largest Thermometer.

Christy said...

The owner must be overcompensating....


Anonymous said...

O.o Sexy... That makes me hawt...