
Monday, February 27, 2006

It's The Final Countdown...

I heart the fourth grade. That’s what the blue stamp read on my hand. I heart the fourth grade. Normally, I would have noticed this first thing, but I was sidetracked by the late thirty-something/early forty-something male who asked me if I was a “student” while taking my money to enter my niece’s basketball game. No, not college student, High school student. I wanted to leap across the counter and kiss him. Full on smack right on the lips. At that moment in time I didn’t know who he was nor did I care…he was my new best friend.

You see, I’m turning 30 in less than 18 days. IN LESS THAN 18 DAYS I WILL NO LONGER BE IN MY 20’S…I WILL OFFICIALLY BE OLD. Where’s my paper bag…seriously…where’s my paper bag….

No, I am NOT overreacting. This is a real- life legitimate concern for me. I will no longer be 29…I WILL BE 30. The only thing that is keeping me sane while I cross the proverbial bridge into Thirtysomething is the fact that I will be in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on the big day…if not for the beach, sun, and cocktails I would most probably be on suicide watch right now. Seriously.

But back to the High school student thing. Do you even realize what kind of sanity-saving moment that was for me? It made me realize one thing, you’re only as old as you appear to be...or as young as you look to the person who is looking at you who probably needs a new eyewear prescription or is just really bad at judging age.

What am I doing here? I’m overanalyzing this. Of course he thought I was 18, because I LOOK like I’m 18. Yeah, that’s it.

(Humor me people, please…just this once…)


Glibbidy said...

Thirty ain't so bad. Although, I did get so drunk on that B-day that I tried to pee in my closet, and dresser drawers. You may want to employ a chaperone to keep you out of trouble for the big day.

Darcey said...

Honey, you may not look 18, but I would definitely never guess your age more than about 24. Seriously.

Paul G said...

30 is the new 20.

erl said...

Seriously, up until this bday (26) i was totally offended any time anyone carded me for drinks, but it happened at a restaurant the other day and i was SO flattered. that's when you know you're getting old...

m.a. said...

Jenni, you are already fabulous and thirty (I'll be there in July) will be more fabulous on you. You're totally hot. All of my pals are.

Jenni said...

Glib: I've totally passed out in my closet before, never peed in it though.
Muse: I love you
Paul: I like that, very catchy! I think I may actually have that phrase engraved on something. Thanks!
Erl: I am the same way, like when I get carded for booze, I proudly whip out my ID like HA! I totally don't look a day over 20! Right? (wink wink)
MA: No, YOU'RE fabulous! We can just be a bunch of fabulous thirtysomethings!

Anonymous said...

Screw the youngest guy you can in Puerta vallarta. That made me feel better. Well, you know what I mean.