
Monday, November 05, 2007

What if....

If my husband were Chinese he would look just like this guy...

Seriously, the resemblance is uncanny. Take a look for yourself...

O.K. so maybe that's not the best picture...Just take my word for it.

Oh, and go here for my latest gluten free vegan recipe!


Bud said...

I will have to take your word for that. The stinky pants chili and corn bread is something we must try here. Thanks for that!

Danika said...

Was Josh having a stroke in that picture?

Jenni said...

D- Not quite...At least not as severe as the one he had on game night.


Minnesota Nice said...

Wait, I'm confused - which one is Josh?


m.a. said...

Then Josh must be cute! Yay, Jenni!

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

He has wine goggles . . .